Back then when I was little the only form of treatment was diet for life. Which has always been challenging. I was told by my father that low protein food diet exist ethier. They had to make my food from scratch! Which sounds like my parents had it rough back then to take care of me. A little while later they developed low protein foods thru a company called cambrooke. Which was the first company to sell low protein food. Unfortunely I was never lucky to have food or forumla ever covered by insurance. So the cost of staying on treatment alone was expensive. I believe by 2010 a company called biomarin made a drug called kuvan! At first my family and I werent sure about it. And always worried about what could happen if things didnt work right! But eventually I decided to try it. I was a responder. I was on kuvan for years. But wasnt aware how little it worked for me. I always wondered why my levels were so high if I even tried to follow diet. It wasnt til palyinzq was approved. And out there on the market for people to try. That I thought about trying it. I was told by my clinic that kuvan barely works for me. Which is unfortunate that I didnt know this early and wasted years on this drug. But when I found out i was pregnant I stayed on kuvan. Which was a good decision. It helped my levels stay low and well it didnt do nearly enough work like my son did. But I'm happy that I decided to try palyinzq so far I'm still waiting for good results but I know it takes time. But I think its amazing how many options out there to try to manage pku better. Alot of people thought that palyinzq is to risky. But honestly the way i see it is life is like gambeling if you dont take risks you'll never know if it was meant for you. Especially having pku. Until someone has walked in the shoes of someone with this metabolic disorder then they dont understand the risks im willing to take to better my self and life quality. So why be close minded?? You'll never know until you take risks
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