Its been four and half months since I had my son. Its been a very rocky road since i left the hospital. Emotionally/ thoughts, and Pku diet. They say that it takes a whole year of postartum to be able to get your levels in range. Because of all the changes your body had. But no one ever really tells you the REAL struggle... Staying on diet! As you know i take kuvan and have been for as long as I can remember. Which worked for me at one point. But sometimes i wonder if my body is way to immune to the drug that it wont work anymore? Lets be honest docoters or reps from biomarin will not tell you the honest truth. Nor would they agree with you. But i feel like the real people that would have that answer is people like us that have been taking it and the results from it. But it comes to a point which it has for me that its time for a change! Once I was reintroduced to what it feels like to feel good and be the best version of your self. Thats all I want now. Which is what I want more then anything at the moment. I hate the feeling of not meeting my full potential as a mom, a wife, and a teacher. And id do anything to change that. Which made me decide tjat it was time to give palynizq a try. Hopefully this time around it Actucally happens. So this thursday is my clinic app and hopefully they will set me up for my first injection date.
In the mean time I'll keep you posted 😘